Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Pimp and the Mac

Mikey Ray - G-Style

So if you're around my age and you grew up with cable chances are that you remember the amazing Nick show Salute Your Shorts. The show stands the test of time and you can check it yourself with the Ebay bootlegs. And you probably remember most the ever-lovable fat kid with the lisp Donkey Lips. He was Budnick's best bro at camp and 14 years later he is still bro-ing down and keeping it real. In fact, he now resembles Big Pun and fashioned himself quite the LA thug. And he raps. This is just a sample. He records under the name Mikey Ray. And though he may have gotten larger, the lisp and voice remain entirely intact. " Hey is the party gonna be jumping? Hell yeah, I'm there! Let me go wash the PG'sssss man" Not to ruin this before the song downloads but PG's are "pussy-getters" and he's talking about the 20's on his truck. "Thugs will be rollin' in a 92 Accord, is that all you can afford? Ladies, ignore." Wow, love this dude. Budnick is rocking out to White Snake somewhere so proud of how his boy turned out. Oh and there is this Alvin the Chipmunk style dude that he duets with on this song. Kind of like that Paula Abdul song. Age appropriate eh?

It's been crazy lately. A year wiser and a new apartment, been busy but still trying to hold it down. Thanks to all who are still looking for STB. You are appreciated.


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