Mike and I were watching the Cavs/Wizards game last night on tv, and we, just like any other Cavs fans, weren't happy with their performance in the last quarter. Shit was ugly. But after the game ended (Cavs loss) I noticed what sounded like some boos coming from the crowd. It was faint, and we were getting up to go have a smoke, so I didn't think twice about. Maybe it was the tv or something.
Then today I learn through
ESPN.com that they were in fact boos. Boos coming from the home crowd, aimed mainly at "The Chosen One", who in the 4th quarters was bricking shots like it was going out of style. Was I happy about that? No. They could've won this game if he would've made some goddamn free throws. But to boo Lebron? Are you serious?
I could see if the Cavs were on a losing streak, or last in the division. I could see if Lebron was showboating and turned the ball over, or if he just gave up or some shit. But no, none of this is happening. Sure they/Lebron played shitty and lost, but it's just 1 game (well, 2, but let's hope its not a trend), and to boo the man that I'm sure nobody wants to see leave after this season? The MVP of the All-Star game? The 3rd highest scorer in the league? The guy whose name is constantly mentioned after the names Jordan and Robinson? The man who is supposed to lead the Cavaliers, better yet, Cleveland to its first title in the age of color tv? Hell to the naw.
People always talk about how mature he is for his age, and to further that sentiment, he blamed the loss totally on himself, and Lebron's the type of guy that you know will do his best to right what was wrong.
Lebron isn't Tim Couch, and honestly, even he didnt deserve it.
Fuck That Life.