Quit Playing Games With My Racist Heart
I remember watching a documentary on white power music a little while ago, and asides from the footage showing how the old Rahowa lead singer/Resistance Records president now sings in a hippy band and is engaged to a woman of arab descent, there was weird footage of two little blonde haired girls singing "Strikeforce" a song originally written by the godfathers of racist rock Skrewdriver, in a VFW hall in front of a bunch of racist weirdos. A couple of months later I found their darling album (pictured above) on previously mentioned racist record label resistance records' horribly designed website. Soon after that they were featured in Vice Magazine's hate issue, which also had good articles on Malaysian skinheads and black guys with swastika tattoos.
That was a little over a year ago.
Well, it appears the girls are growing up and they're turning it up a notch (BAM!). As a current ABC news article puts it, they're trying to be the racist Olsen twins, which actually makes my long running joke of a racist pop band a reality. As Ben pointed out in a discussion, it's sad that these girls have had their minds warped from such a young age and therefore, can't really form an opinion of their own. However, I do believe that one of these girls will either have a biracial baby or they'll both end up in porn in ten years.
The ABC news article which I believe features a music video that I was too lazy to signup for.
The Vice article
And finally, the girls' very own website where you can see the cover of their long awaited dvd which features a very cute font on the cover.
Thanks to R. Zunkley out in LA for inspiring me to write this post.
Browns lost. Bengals lost. There will be no football recap. At least from me.
F that L.